IDF 2021 PI Conference Session, “Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Cytopenias in Primary Immunodeficiency” was presented by Jolan Walter, MD, Ph.D. on June 26, 2021.
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Subtitles available in Spanish, French, Dutch, Danish, Arabic, Romanian, Chinese (Simplified), Portuguese and Italian.

What are primary immunodeficiencies?
The immune system helps your body fight infections. People with a primary immunodeficiency (PIDs, PI) or an inborn error of immunity (IEI), have immune systems that do not work properly.

PIDs are rare and chronic conditions that occur when some components of the immune system, mainly cells and proteins, do not work properly, or at all. People with PIDs are more prone than others to recurrent or unusual infections, and this can lead to serious harm to their health.

Primary immunodeficiencies manifest through many different symptoms, and recognizing these symptoms is key to an early and successful diagnosis. Importantly, patients also require different forms of medical treatments depending on their PID, and most of these are lifelong. Some PIDs can also be treated with curative interventions.
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